The shark that is to be introduced is very particular: the back has a yellowish coloration as the peel of a lemon, from which his name derives and he is the more studied shark in the whole shark's world. This has allowed to clarify not only the biology of the lemon shark but big part of all the knowledge about these fishes. 

The lemon shark has really a curious coloration, the back is brown-yellowish, while the abdomen clear. The motive for this unusual physical aspect is in the habits of the animal, that it often next to sandy and muddy backdrops, lagoons and inlets with forests of mangroves, environments where the yellowish coloration is prevailing and therefore a mimicry of this type practically makes invisible the lemon shark bewaring from the surface toward the sea backdrop. 

Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) 

The face is short and stumpy, the maximum length is of 300 cm, middly among 220-280 cm.  The dorsal fins are two and are of similar dimensions, the anal fin is enough great. The teeth are sharp, smooth, without side cusps, similar in the two jaws. The eyes are of middle dimensions even if the sight would not result particularly acute, perhaps because of the waters in which it swims.
We have already said in fact that the lemon shark, middly sighted in waters among 0-92 m, prefers to position himself next to the sandy backdrops, forest of mangroves (especially in juvenile age) lagoons and inlets. Also the mouths of the rivers reenter in his habitat, with the possibility to go up for different km, showing great adaptability to temporary permanence in sweets waters. The environments just described don't detach for the transparency of their waters and for this motive the remaining senses of the shark would be more effective and efficient. 

  Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris)

This shark results to be more active during the crepuscular and nighttime hours and he can stir solitary or in groups that reach 20 samples. As other kind is able to be immovable on the fund, into a "sleeping" condition, but this state of numbness doesn't have to deceive the curious scuba diver or the skin-diver that, in case of noise would be found to a vehement and dangerous reaction of the animal. (Note1: sharks respiraton)
From 1580 to today 22 attacks provoked to the man have been recorded, none of these deadly, situation that "officially" doesn't make lemon shark dangerous. 

Incredible photo of a tiger shark (Galeocerdo cubier) and lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) togheter 

The adults have not a particularly vast area of movement, even if have been recorded migrations of small-medium populations.
Both during the great moves and in the brief swims inside their territory, the lemon shark are inevitably accompanied by numerous remoras. (Note2: remoras)
This shark is present in Oriental and western Atlantic. 

  Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris)

The reproduction is viviparous with placenta and date the facility of observation and study, through the analysis of the vital cycle of the lemon shark have many biological and ecological aspects of these fishes have been clarified. There are numerous video on the birth of females of lemon shark, which move in protected waters, a little deep lagoons or bays with forests of mangroves, to give birth since 4 to 17, after a 10-12 month-old long pregnancy.
Sexual maturity is reached after 6.5 years and the longevity is of about 27 years. The action of the reproduction, as in other kinds, can happen in bloody way, with the male that bit the female. The small ones, as soon as after the birth, with a length of 60-65 cm, have immediately to be ready to live by alone and generally remain in the low waters, in the middle of the mangroves where they have been given birth, up to when they don't feel completely sure to swim the free waters.
Their diet will found him on shellfishes and molluscs, while once been becoming adult they will add fishes of small-medium dimensions, birds, sharks and races.

Incredible photo of a tiger shark (Galeocerdo cubier) and lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) togheter

Curiosity1:  Mr. Samuel Gruber, ftom university in Miami, studies the lemon sharks from 1967, in particular way the population around the island of Bimini, in the Bahamas, where the Gruber's Bimini Biological field station is found. 

Curiosity2: The lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris, described here, is very similar to the lemon shark sickle Negaprion acutidens, that has a less stumpy face, pectoral fins more falcades and teeth most sharp and narrow. The distribution of the Negaprion acutidens is completely different (Indian Ocean) and greater is also the aggressiveness. 


Note1: recommended reading: sharks respiration 

Note2: the remora is a fish whose first dorsal fin is turned into an adhesive disk that is used for sticking to great objects in movement (boats, sharks, turtle..) 

Note3: sharks reproduction: Around the 30% of the sharks has a oviparous reproduction, that is when the female deposes outside the eggs; around 50% has a aplacental viviparous reproduction, that is when the female produces the eggs that develope inside her body and the small sharks go outside completely formed; the remained 20% has a placental viviparous reproduction, that is when the embryo is in contact with her mother through a primitive placenta.


Bibliography: "Sharks & Rays, Elasmobranch Guide Of The World". Ralf M. Hennemann, "Sharks of the world", Leonard Compagno, M. Dando, S. Fowler,






Marco Angelozzi -

Negaprion brevirostris photos has been kindly  granted by
Sig. Eric Cheng and usable exclusively in this
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